
From a award winning publishing house More Than a Pet magazine is produced on a bi-monthly basis by a team of animal lovers, and is the go-to publication for the UK pet industry.

More Than a Pet inspires, informs and connects pet professionals & suppliers to over millions of pet owners throughout the UK. Our online publication and blog is the go-to source for insights into the latest trends and developments.

Pets are a vital part of day-to-day life. Coming from a team of animal lovers, we bring you a magazine that is all about animals. Our blog & magazine covers every little detail that any pet owner or lover would love to know.

Advertising with us can help you:

  • Generate leads for your sales team
  • Increase brand recognition through reach and repetition
  • Tell your company’s story via content marketing
  • Position your company as an industry leader

Become a part of our family and inspire our readers how to love and care for our furry and not so furry friends!

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